Hypnosis is a Psycho-Physiological altered state of consciousness induced by conditioning & skilled use of suggestion resulting in lessening of subjects inhibitions & reasoning & heightening of his ability to relax & his susceptibility to suggestion.
“It hath oft appeared while I have been soothing my patient as if there were some strange property in my hands to pull and draw away from the afflicted parts aches and diverse impurities, by laying my hand upon the place and by extending my fingers towards it. It is thus known to the learned that health may be imposed on the sick by certain movements and by contact, just as some diseases may be communicated from one to another.”
- Primitive people – induction of trance of rhythm chanting.
- Hindus-Vashikaran Vidya, Samohini Vidya.
- Egyptians and Greeks – Sleep Temples.
- Decline of hypnosis with the advent of Christianity.
- Franz Anton Mesmer (1733-1815) Austria – “Baquet” in Paris “Animal Magnetism” Committees reports to Louis XVI.
- Marquis de Puysegru (1751-1825) experimented with “Mesmerism” Somnambulistic state instead of “grand crisis”.
- 1891-favourable report on hypnosis by British Medical Association (BMA).
- A. A. Liebeault (1832-1904) Father of Modern Hypnotism
Nancy School – use of hypnosis in therapy. - Dr. Sigmund Freed (1856-1939) Vienna – attended Charcots demonstrations of hypnosis in 1885-86 used hypnosis in his practice and later developed the method of free association between 1892-1895 that became a cornerstone of psychoanalysis.
- Kloetd War I arrival of hypnosis due to many cases of psychogenic origin and scarcity of psychiatrists – hypnosis widely used in the treatment of battle neurosis such as shell shock. Hadfield coined the term “Hypno-analysis” a term used successfully during world war II.
- In 1953 BMA officially recognized hypnosis as a thereaperitic technique and endorsed its use in medicine.
- In 1958 American Medical Association (AMA) officially approved hypnosis in medicine and dentistry.
- First college credit course in hypnosis in Canada designed and taught by Rooshikumar Pandya and John Abbot Colege, Montreal in 1972.
- First formal course in hypnosis in India taught by Rooshikumar Pandya in 1973 under the auspices of the Indo-American Society Bombay, India.