It is possible by using certain technique, but a person cannot be made to do anything which is against his basic personality.
No, hypnotic trance is more like wakeful state with concentration of mind on one thought unlike normal sleep.
95% of the population can go into hypnotic trance which may be light 35%, medium 35% and deep 25% intelligence, imagination and power of concentration are essential in a person to be a good subject for trance.
Unless he is specifically told. Otherwise, a hypnotized person knows and remembers everything.
Yes, with right guidance and practice.
Hypnosis is used successfully in every aspect of life in many developed countries treating patients helping students in their studies and improving performance of sportsman, actors, salesman and in warfare. It taught and is practiced in medical colleges in may advanced countries.
Psychotherapy treats the conscious mind (1/10) and needs months to years of therapy. But hypnotherapy treats sub-conscious (9/10) mind and require only few weeks or months. Light trance is enough for therapy.
None at all, More Over, as every patient is taught self-hypnosis. There is an added advantage over psychotherapy in that the patients dependence on the therapies is almost avoided.
On the contrary, As you go deeper into hypnosis, you will have easier access to the subconscious. Since the subconscious controls such functions as pain management, bleeding, blood pressure, healing and the immune system, and much more you will actually have more control rather than less.
Both hypnosis and mediation involve physical relaxation and a narrowing of consciousness. With hypnosis it is task or goal oriented as you are mentally working on something such as weightless. In mediation, consciousness is free – floating and it may lead to a greater sense of expanded awareness. Many mediators use hypnosis and one can slip from one state to the other quite easily.
Common indications are :
Psychological : Anxiety, Hysteria, Insomnia, Nervousness, Stammering, Bedwetting, Tics. Nail biting, Lack of self confidence, blushing stage and interview flight, fear of examination.
Stress Diseases : Headache, Migraine, Low Backache, rheumatism, anorexia Nervosa Peptic ulcer, Dysfunctional colitis, constipation, hypertension, allergic problems, bronchial asthama.
Skin : Nyperidosis, Negro- Dermatitis, Psoriasis warts.
Impotency : (Men) Frigidity (Woman) excessive uterine bleeding etc.
Obesity : To control pain : Severe burns, terminal stage of cancer, in Dentistry, obstetrics and surgery.
Study : To create interest in subjects and to improve concentration, memory and recall ability.
Toxic mania : Smoking alcohol, Drug Addiction Gambling.